. >> up next, james galbraith was interviewed. this discussion is part of booktv's college series. >> the predator state is the name of the book an economist and professor of government in public affairs of the university of texas is the author. professor galbraith what do you mean by the predator states? who are the predators? >> the predators are attempting to take advantage of the programs that were created for the benefit of the middle class, the programs that, in fact, made the middle class in america, social security, medicare, the housing finance programs and to essentially divert part of the revenue stream from those programs to private benefit. >> so who would be the predators? >> well, in the case of the -- of the housing finance sector, one could talk about the banks that took advantage and mortgage originators that took advantage of the political desupervision of that sector over the last 15 years to write massive amounts of essentially fraudulent mortgages and peddle them to the world investment community. that was a