. >> attorney james goodnow handles these and it's a new reality he said. >> up until now it hasn't been one. >> but there's for now, when it comes to cyber hacking and tomorrow's election. the system that was hacked was the voter registration system. that's hooked up to the internet. our state's voting machines, they're older, and not online. they're unhackable. >> we're talking about machines that aren't hooked to the internet so we feel safe that >> she's trying to make sure voters know that, even a perceived threat could cause problems. >> what's the real danger? >> the far greater concern is the panic that results when people think that the systems may in fact be hacked. >> once again, polls open ap6:00 a.m. 724 polling locations spre out and poll workers will set up the polling booths and machines. >> they hope they keep the wait times down especially compared to what we saw in march. >> we have more, you have to go to your assigned polling place. there may be lines and we'll expect that. i've just, the anticipation for this election, so, we're trying to make sure that the lines th