james haas, which is a reappointment. >> yes, good morning, supervisors. am i connected? >> chair ronen: yes. >> well, i'm pleased to have the confidence of the mayor to reappointment me, and i hope i'll have your confidence to confirm that appointment. i lived at 100 vanness, so i see city hall every day from my apartment. i've been involved in work to improve the area over the last 30 years, and i even wrote a book about city hall for the university of nevada, published last year. i'm on the board of the community benefits district, which has been around nine years. i think i'm being reappointed to the city hall preservation advisory commission. in the years that i have been on the commission, we've been involved with all sorts of issues leading to maintenance of the building, and we've appeared a couple of times before the capital improvements committee to advocate for additional funds for things. all the money that was spent on rehabilitating the building did not include moneys to fix the dome windows, which continue to remain an outstanding issue and, at some point,