>> my co-author james harrigan and i in writing op-ed about topics like this and i think the thing that really came to the four with that term was what happened in philadelphia and this was perhaps a year and a half to two years ago. the city council there decided that teenagers were drinking too much sugary drinks. so they're going to impose a 30 percent tax on sugary drinks. because the city council, the busybodies decided other people should live the way that they believe they should live. and what happened interestingly is sales of sugary drinks dropped tremendously following this tax and the people who were proposed to the tax pointed to it and said this is exactly what wehad in mind. you put attacks on things like coke and pepsi and mountain dew, what happens ? people will buy less of it to which economists replied hang on a second. i thought your concern was how much sugary drinks before drinking. to which the components said look, if sales of sugary drinks have declined really people are drinking less. the economist did some studies and what they found was that consumption of su