here to go inside toll's numbers, buck horn, home builder and real estate analyst of raymond james. a new face to "squawk on the street". and an analyst at deutscha bank. what do the toll numbers look like to you? >> well, toll brothers numbers were very similar to the other builders in they were mixed in terms of reporting metrics. as you mentioned they have been under performing their peers because investors in betting on a housing recovery have been wanting to play the first-time builders as opposed to luxury builders. the results are similar to their peers but the borrow is set a lot lower. >> buck, are these numbers good or bad for toll in your opinion? >> i think they're pretty positive overall. the key focus will be on the net orders, and orders were up 98% year over year well ahead of what we were looking for, which was something close to 60%. so as long as people are ordering toll brothers houses and the traffic is going in the right direction i think the stock will move in the right direction as well. >> nishu, i'm just curious why people according to our survey we ran yes