hunted there. but there is also another reason to go to shouldn't that is revenge. -- to go minnesota and that is revenge. jesse jamesrted with the civil war and always retaliation, getting back at the federalists for what they perceived had done, and someone attempted to harm jesse or his family, he was out to get them. and there was man from liberty, missouri, an attorney named samuel hardwick, and he made the mistake of assisting allen pinker ton's efforts to capture the james brothers, and hardwick set up a midnight raid in january of 1875. in the raid the pinkertons surround the house, the broke a window and toss nulled what is known now as an incendiary device. the idea was to start a fire of some kind to illuminates the interior and set the house on fire. but it exploded. didn't just set a family. the james family called it a grenade, the dent was to blow up the house. jesse and frank were not in the house as samuel hardwick believed, but the family was there, and jesse's mother was maimed for life, they had to amputate her arm right near the elbow, and even worse, jesse's half bauer, archie samuel, young boy,