significant perhaps a very big rise in part time employment one of your colleagues an economist called james keane has suggested a scheme that he calls quantities if easing for the public saying that the debt that private individuals have needs to be reduced under the scheme he says that cash should be issued to individuals and those with debt would have to use it to pay that debt down and those without it would have a cash injection it sounds like a great scheme do you think it would work that well i've suggested this as well in an article in the new straits. last week yeah that's fine i mean if you put money in that into the hands of the people. and make sure they as you say spend it in one way or another. then i think that gives a boost to the economy because they could increase their spending and therefore set up a demand for shoes and clothes and food and all the things that people spend money on and so that'll be good for business that's i think that's a good idea i actually suggested that the government give every household one hundred pound christmas present time limited so they need to do