selma, birmingham and montgomery, but the incubator of it all was in nashville, tennessee, where james lawsoneaching his classes on nonviolence and teaching people like john lewis and james bevel and diane nash. how to not swing back if somebody hits you in the head with a nightstick. >> we actually practiced sitting in. some took the role of students who were sitting at a lunch counter and others took the role of white thugs. we were practicing how to remain non-violent even in the face of violence. >> there had been other sit-ins in those early months of 1960, but no one is centrally organizing or coordinating this like the student group from nashville. >> it was on february the 13th. and we had the very first sit-in in nashville. i took my seat at the counter. i asked the waitress for a hamburger and a coke. >> the students sit down at the lunch counter asking to be served, knowing full well that it's against the law. >> we were prepared to be arrested and go to jail and if necessary, stay in jail. >> it was a moving feeling within me that i was sitting there demanding a god-given right. i