lawson fisher jared p. fisher john roger fisher thomas j. fisher lucy a. fishman ryan d. fitzgerald thomas jamesalvatore fiumefreddo darlene e. flagg wilson f. flagg christina donovan flannery eileen flecha >> and my cousin steven j. fear relevantly. your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. >> and my son firefighter lee s. failing engine 235. lee, people have called you a hero and i believe that you were. but what i've come to realize is that you actually gave on that day your greatest gift of kindness and charity. you put all else aside that day, your wife, your daughter, your unborn daughter, your family and friends. you put that all aside to help another. blessed is the man who lays down his life for another. that selfless act of kindness comes from love, and where there is love there is god because god is love. and so, lee, when i put my head down at night, i rest easy knowing that you are surround by god's love and i thank my sweet jesus and his beautiful blessed mother for helping me to walk through ny journey. and until we see