led by major general james linder, the forces are updated by the trainees about how their covert support of the local resistance is going. >> we got to hang in there, hold out for the help, help's coming. major general james linder: we're selecting soldiers who are going to go out in small teams and in environments where there are no absolute answers. and they're all going to be, they're going to be independent, and they're going to have to figure out how to problem solve on their own. helicopter that has unexpectedly bombed their base camp. >> so give me two cases that are ready to go. scott: or an enemy that has inflicted mass civilian casualties. >> one, two, three. hey, i got a strong radio pulse. scott: and that's the real world, too, though right? major gen. linder: that's the real world. that's much of what we see today under the areas we're operating, executing the army's task of special warfare is what we see these soldiers doing. scott: why is what's happening here in these woods so important challenges we face? major gen. linder: the experiences that you learn in robin sage bu