lee and james longstreet. when they were core commanders in 1862 and early 1863, lee went with longstreet. lee and longstreet argued. lee and longstreet debated. this was unfathomable because when lee gave jackson orders, jackson went off and followed. when jackson told you where you are going -- [laughter] phillip: you followed. there is a reason lee went with longstreet. longstreet lost a few children to this disease. he liked to gamble, he liked to joke, he was a fun, jovial guy. he had officers who liked to joke. jackson, though, you could probably hear a pin drop at his headquarters. his chief of staff, his father, all staunch episcopalians. that direction. but of course, longstreet had the nerve to say that lee is partly to blame for gettysburg. he also had the nerve to take a republican position as a port collector in new orleans. and he also had the audacity to kind of write what he remembered, and unfortunately adding fuel to the fire. so james longstreet, by 1927, as one of the first photos showed, i