after this break will be back live with the next speaker, james lowen, author of "lies about america." he will talk about confederate monuments in particular. in the next 10 minutes we will visit ironworks in richmond that served as the main artillery manufacturer for the confederacy during the civil war. it was an iron foundry that operated on the bank the james river from 1837 to 1957. it's greatest claim to fame was the chief armor, to the confederacy during the civil war producing a large majority of the cannons used by the confederacy. richmond had a lot of infrastructure that no longer exists from battlefield hospitals to the battlefield themselves. fewironworks is one of the remaining structures that existed before the civil war, played a. his history dates to the 1800s and southeastern wales in the united kingdom. there was an ironworks that was the main supplier of iron for the british industrial revolution era when richmond businessman wanted to begin an ironworks here they contacted engineers and millwrights to come over here and design their mills and ironworks here. franc