mitch kaplan, a caller just asked if james mcbride?he was just here on wednesday night, margaret. >> caller: oh, i'm sorry i missed. >> host: margaret, mitch kaplan says if you ever get a chance to hear him speak, jump on it. >> caller: i did. and he's wonderful, and he also played his saxophone, which was great. >> host: okay. we're going to take one more call and then chris matthews is going to be joining us to talk about his new biography. martha, charleston, south carolina. martha, how are you? >> caller: i'm fine. how are you, peter? >> host: i'm fine. what are you reading today, martha? >> caller: well, i always have five or ten books going at once, but i wanted to comment on walter isakson. one of the books that he wrote, "the innovators," was so wonderful a few years ago about women. he gives, really, women the credit for the beginning of computers. [laughter] so walter always has -- >> host: yes, he does. >> caller: yeah, walter's just wonderful. i've tried to read everything he's written. and his presentation today -- >> host