james mcrae, they are big shoes to fill, but your decades of experience in the financial community would be sorely needed within the mta board, but i wanted to ask. i know what of the challenges has been the final results, and the recent cutbacks have been a challenge, but what ideas did you have for ensuring there is adequate funding stream so we could have an equitable and affordable transportation system? >> one of the things we looked at and talk about is we have funding coming in from the state and federal levels. i was also looking at maybe possibly issuing bonds as one thing that is coming up as well. to issue bonds is very complex, but if we do that, we have to get it right. looking at the streams of revenue we have, making sure that what we're doing, allocating it appropriately -- i mean, there are areas in parking as well as in traffic where we have allocations that we could probably streamline. as well as, you know, with the last election, the way we voted was looking at the negotiations coming up, what we are going to extract from those negotiations. supervisor mar: my collea