my name is james mcrae and in the former pastor for mr. julius turman. mr. turman is highly educated, eminently qualified, graciously equipped for service to our city at this time. his competence and his willingness to serve give me continuing cause to rejoice as a san franciscan. we have the type of city where randy brightest and the best -- wherein the brightest and the best rise to serve the common good. please, give your recommendation to mr. turman and grant our beloved city up police commissioner who will labor with all of his strength to let righteousness will down like water and justice like a never- ending stream. supervisor kim: thank you, reverend. >> thank you. i am here to support julius turman's candidacy. i of known him for over 10 years, the first five of which, we were in a committed, caring relationship as domestic partners. we parted company in a legal and intimate sense in 2005. he has remained a constant in my life ever since. i can only offer my own observations as a human being. i am a better man because of him, because of knowing him.