. >>> coming up, james middleton opens up about his struggles with mental health. >> how the brother of duchess kate says he managed to conquer what he describes as crippling depression. depression. it traps and removes the waste that weighs me down, test test ♪ >>> this morning we are hearing new details from the brother of duchess kate about his struggle with depression and anxiety. >> james middleton is now sharing new insights about his private and painful battle and how he says he conquered it. here's abc's lama hasan. >> reporter: james middleton opening up once again about his battle with depression. the brother of kate, the duchess of cambridge, telling the british magazine "tattler" that he was crippled by the illness. "it's what keeps you in bed while anxiety makes you feel guilty for being there." middleton acknowledges he has a charmed existence, saying that when the depression struck, he asked himself, what do i have to be depressed about? i've been so lucky with my upbringing. i had all the things i wanted. it's not that i wanted more, but there was something that wasn'