a more extreme case of activism was recounted by a narrator named james mueller. mueller, the day after the shootings, he didn't belong to ksu but was a university of akron alum. the day after the shootings we took a bus to columbus and tried to make a citizen's arrest of governor rhodes. there were also accounts from students who were actually in the line of fire such as this one here. it's kind of hard to see in the back there. but catherine delattre, one of the students i interviewed, she's being pushed out of the line of fire by her boyfriend in the background there. that's a better view of her. glen frank was able to calm the students down, defuse the situation and probably save a lot of lives that day. the two national guardsmen offered very diverse interpretations of these events. one, j. reynold schneider, who was a captain who led a company on may 4 that day, his company was not involved in the actual shootings. but he bristled at the suggestion that the guard was unprepared for riot training for this kind of event. another guardsman, art crumel also said