you can see about a mile away, james munro's tomb. -- monroe's tomb. you cannot do this today. that is what enables us to reach inside these images. look deeper. find the story. all right. nearby. the photographers went across the river. there are the in buckman's of the bridge. they took the shot which i love. look at these people. think about the week they have had. these are african-americans probably former slaves. you think they were just sitting there, having a picnic when the photographer rolled up? this is completely put together. what is powerful about this. the photographers considered themselves not photographers like we consider ourselves. they are trying to show you something, but it is there art. -- thier aeir art. we had to take them on their terms and understand this is not documentarian, this is art. the ruined bridge. the ironworks. see it back there? this is send you a message. who is out front now? he has definitely got a message here. reminding you this. -- this is the current issue. art, a art. propaganda, sure. does that surprise you? i am ok with it. wha