on his right is james phelan, a predecessor mayor who laid the plans for modern civic center and modern city. the two of them are responsible for all this. rolph himself took particular pride in city hall. he used to like to brag that it was higher than the capital dome in washington. and he also had his name overlooking the rotunda, if you look at the rotunda in city hall his name is in bold letters. just a reminder. >> thank you. next speaker. and if there are any other members of the public that wish to speak, please step up. >>> good afternoon. my name is roger scott. i've been a teacher at city college since 1972 and i've been on the executive board of local 2121 for more than 35 years. i'm assuming i'm speaking to the [speaker not understood] and that's good because as a unionist and social activist i don't get that opportunity too many times. but i can't imagine your not supporting this enlightened democratic motion. city college, like community colleges, is a very democratic institution. community colleges lead the way in changing the lives of people who don't have that many opp