i want to thanks james phillips and the wheatley institute at brigham young for co-sponsoring today. in fact, this event is james' idea so anything goes wrong, you can blame him. with that i'll turn it over to my aei colleague adam white for our first panel. >> welcome, everybody, and i just want to echo naomi's greetings for all who are here today and everyone watching online either now or at a later time. looking forward to the questions and the conversation. our conversation started last week, one of the usual pre-panel prep calls and in the course of thinking through this morning's conversation, somebody, i can't remember if it was elizabeth or marcy pointed out that 2025 is the 100th anniversary year, centennial of the famous supreme court course, pierce versus society of sisters, one of the earlier cases, the supreme court proclaimed the broad right of parents to control to the extent the education of their children and a famous line where the court says the child is not the mere creature of the state, these who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right and high duty to