james rison is here to answer. ational security reporter with the "new york times" who faced the threat of being jailed by the government for his refusal to reveal his sources. james, thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> your seven-year legal fight ended last year. tell us, when i say the word "criminalization of the press," when i use that phrase, is an an overstatement of what happened in your case? >> no, i think it's very accurate. i think in my case the government considered at one point charging me with obstruction of justice. they considered at one point making me a subject of the investigation, they tried to drag me into an espionage investigation. >> let me show on screen something you posted on twitter last year. you said "i plan to spend the rest of my life fighting to undo the damage to press people are in the united states done by barack obama and eric holder." what other kinds of damage have you seen done in the last eight years? >> i think this administration has been the most secretive