the wealth and profits of the fate of the financial sector is up lehman's legacy of inequality james saft of reuters when lehman went down five years ago it set in train forces which could easily have led to the failure of many financial institutions face of the possibility of take a large sways of the banking system into effective government control first the bush and later the bomb administrations chose instead to shelter institutions and executives from the consequences of their actions that involved creating a variety of policies which subsidized large banks and helped to dig a moat around the businesses this went hand in hand he said with monetary policy and put this in the context of the guy who wrote a commentary on forbes dot com where he's saying that lloyd blankfein his profits make him a holier than the ninety nine percent when as james saft envoy here is pointing out is government policy it's manipulation through the fed that is giving the that has built a moat around goldman sachs and enabled them to profit at the expense of everybody else but this is a failure of the markets