. >> james slagle, brushy mountain's longest-serving inmate, told us how ray led inmates over a wall makeshift ladder crafted from chains. they made their escape while a tower officer took an afternoon nap. that's your corner where james and doug and spider monkey and the others went over. of course the fence was not here at that time, it was just a mountain serving as the fourth wall of the penitentiary. >> after ray climbed over, six more inmates followed before an officer and another tower finally saw them, and shot, striking the last escapee in the shoulder. >> the way it used to work here, when you hear the whistle blow you get a shotgun and your dog and you go to the woods, because inmates back then, there was a $25 bounty on the inmates. james earl ray, he was in the woods for three or four days, and they did use the dogs. that's basically the only way you would find them in these mountains with one of these dogs, you know, because it's so thick and everything. there's nowhere to go. >> ray was captured 52 hours later, less than two miles from the prison. since then, razor wir