james somerset, who sues for his freedom after being brought into englanby a customs official who, quote, owns him in boston. now, in the ruling, whh technically applied only to this one pers in question, right, not wider, the judge concludes that slavery haso basis natural law and has no basis in english common law. so in order to be upheldn englanthat, there would need to be a law passed by parliament to make it somethi that exisd in england or else it cannot be presumed to exist now and james somerset wins s freedom as an outcome of this case. again, though ruling applied to only ts one individual news traveled fast and it was broadly interpted as establishing the idea that an enslaved person would be free when setting foot into england so that slavery is not going to exist in england. now, some historians think that this white colonists in the americas who were worried that like taxes or land policies, the british might suddenly decide to interfere with the system of slavery. other historians argue that this was not so widely talked about maybe and wasn't a central concern for elites