james swanson's current book in the topic for the evening is tighted "end of days: assassination of john f kennedy ." which was released today. we are fortune to have both james and sam on ford theater's advisory council. and my pleasure to introduce two such distinguished talents. please join me in welcoming them. [applause] [applause] james, it's good to see you. >> good to see you, sam. >> for several generation of americans, people here, i'm certain, including me, that assassination of president kennedy was the shoughs shocking, horrifying, grief striken day in the public event in my life. and you have now written the book about that day and the days surrounding it. james, there are i don't know how many books about the assassination of the president. why did you decide to write this book? >> well, sam, it's the book i always wanted to read that no one else had written. that's why i written the manhunt book of the lincoln assassination. i wanted to write a thrilling, accurate, day-by-day, moment-by-moment, hour-by-hour. i think it's the saddest most incredible story in american histo