and that if you don't do something about it if you don't address the top one percent james the interest rate observer just came out with a major piece saying the central banks having big age and criminal activity yes not activity in the sun just fine anyway it's pure crim it's critics it's a racket so they all sit there and you know like jamie diamond will go on the news and say i'm really worried about all these sort of a o c in this plan for a social socialism well tear down that wall and you don't have to worry right on ok we're going to tear down. we're going to come back go and stay right there. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to say the home fields where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and the fresh perspective i'm used to surprising us all why not seriously. i'm going to talk about football not fee or else you can think i was going to go. by the way ways of the slide here. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us with over one trillio