joining us live now to talk about a new initiative for maui to get travelers back, james tokioka, directorthe hawaii department of business, economic development and tourism. james. aloha. nice to see you. >> aloha, kristen, and happy girls day. >> yes, indeed. let's talk about maui. it is not all bad news. i don't want to make it sound that way, but it's clear visitors are not returning to the island as much as you like. talk about the overall numbers that you're looking at. and then let's focus on the bay area. >> yeah. so, you know, especially oakland and san jose, it's down a lot. so the governo, who has been very supportive of the visitor industry, he took away some restrictions from our department and dbd to help the industry with the marketing campaign of $6.3 million to get wholesalers to continue to blitz the west coast and, you know, the united states, to get visitors specifically to maui for this campaign because we know the numbers from maui are down. and, you know, over from 2019 to uh-, compared to 2024, it's down by 700,000 visitors just on maui. so we know that our focus is