laughter it has come to my attention james veitch has been using my image without my permission!the people around me being geeky. it's refreshing. one girl sent me a message and said, how is he taking the picture, he's got no arms! that's your issue with this?! applause thank you, james! please welcome to the stage stephen mcneil and rob sedgebeer! applause so, you tour the country playing group video games. how on earth did that come about, and why didn't i think of it? about three years ago i started doing live video game show. up in edinburgh at the fringe festival it's a long month, so we thought if we got our friends really drunk and got them to swear at each other while they play video games, we could charge people to watch it. you're laughing, but that turned out to be far more successful than the jokes we'd written for five years! that's now a tv show. rob, the sexy genius in the red shirt, he was technical manager on the tv show but also invented this technology which you will which you will hopefully be locked into, which allows everybody to play along with us. either i