he joins us now with his attorney, james winston. gentlemen thank you for being here. notice what i just did there. i said, gentlemen, and sometimes i actually say, ladies and so, mr perrone, is it really true that you lost this job offer because you addressed the board chair and her executive assistant as ladies in an email. we have that email. let me just pull it up. you said ladies. good morning, and then you went out to spell some of your requests in this job negotiation . so was it really the ladies part or was it what you were demanding in the job negotiation that that lost you? the job offer. yeah the reason that was given to me was because i used ladies as a greeting. it was considered offensive to the chair and she called it a microaggression. we never had an opportunity to really negotiate at all. they voted in an executive session to rescind the offer, and that was really where things ended. and what did you think when she said that she was offended by ladies and it was a microaggression. well, initially , uh, i was apologetic said i'm sorry. i didn't mean t