. >> while most incarcerated sex offenders are, in fact, marked men, jamie daniels is one of the exceptionswas in high school my senior year, i was involved in a relationship with a sophomore. and we had a child. so i am considered a sex offender. i do have to register as a sex offender. there's probably a few people that are naive that don't really understand the situation. but for the most part, i'm respected in here as someone who's not a predatorial sex offender. >> any inmate who might be tempted to harass daniels because of his prior sex charge would need to do so at his own risk. >> this is a regular roundhouse kick. anytime you get an opponent you can use that for the leg. top of his leg or come straight down and go high or just drive straight through his ribs like that. >> daniels is an expert in brazilian jujitsu. >> in fact, we developed a lot of this stuff when we used to teach anti-rape clinics, which is ironic. i'm a sex offender. and we teach anti-rape clinics to women because it's on the ground. i've never raped anyone. but i'm assuming a rape would happen on the ground with