jamie diamond, the wall street figure at j.p. morgan chase said on a call we're not talking about may. maybe june, july, or august. so, it is going to be much less than the president makes it sound like. it may be something. and i think a positive thing that happened today that you just alluded to is that the business leaders on the call echoed exactly what the public health professionals said which is we need a massive run up of testing to make this safe and to make us want to open up. >> right. and just think they start sending people back to work, people start getting sick. it's not going to be the president who's responsible. it's going to be the bosses and company owners who have to take responsibility for that really and may have some exposure legally for it. okay. so, daniel, i want to bring you in because president trump continues to blame the states for testing. but he is trying to have it both ways. here's what else he said. watch this. >> and if we're not happy, we will take very strong action against a state or a gove