jamie ganelli has served in numerous capacities of in government as deputy attorney general, as generalcounsel of the department of defense, a member of the 9/11 commission. it goes on and on. jim immediately to my right who is the solicitor general of the state of texas has managed to practice as well in all three branches of the federal government. as a clerk in the appellate courts, including serving -- working for justice clarence thomas in the supreme court on the executive side on the department of justice and on capitol hill in the senate working for senator john cornyn and deeply involved in continuity issues in both the congress and in the presidency and finally, my dear colleague, norman ornstein who was present at the creation of the contemporary efforts to deal responsibly with the continuity issue. martin, why don't you kick us off. >> well, thank you. and i had the interesting task of being cochair of a special task force that the congressional leadership set up on this subject after 9/11. and y'all, of course, both participated in that. and i have some observations from h