. -- jamie hasan. he said we needed a september 12 day to remember our solidarity.ost: you did a study of muslim americans and i wanted to put on the screen one of the things you found in the survey and i want you to talk a little bit about it. muslim americans are more likely to say that mistreatment of muslim americans defined the period immediately after the 9/11 attacks. 60 4% of muslim americans compared to less than half of americans overall believe muslim americans feel a lot of prejudice in america today. guest: this speaks to what i was saying about the need to add complexity to how we remember 9/11 because we want to remember this profound sense of unity, we want this story of camaraderie to inspire arrests today but that sense of unity did not extend to all people and we too often failed to live up to our best ideals and how we treated muslim americans. we see that very clearly in the data. muslim americans