and we'll just skip over this one i mean jamie lee jones contractor calibra religiousness of city orhow burton was brutally gang raped and locked in a box after she was raped by her peers and instead of you know one in a lawsuit or getting any sort of justice k.b.r. her for defamation right this is another bizarre this is a much more complicated story because back in two thousand and five jamie lee jones with the contractor kellogg brown and root she claimed that she'd been gang raped she claimed that she'd been drugged the thing is that they were loopholes within the contract that she had signed that made it such that she had actually there was fine print with her employer saying that she really sorry had to go to through some internal system she couldn't go directly to a court she had to report this to k.b.r. and she couldn't take this to court so all the while you know they're dismissing this there were allegations that themselves had actually tampered with the rape kit all the while there's no actual legal procedures going on in place by the time she does make it to to up to a fe