progressive who built the coalition that included union workers and activists and many others and jamie mcleod skinner and oregon this is a rural district where he challenged a longtime incumbent that as a democrat aligned with the pharmaceutical companies and defined his own unjustified his own president as they were trying to negotiate for the federal government to negotiate then he got in the waygo of that so then he defeated this longtime incumbent running in a competitive district so what combines all of these candidates isan the fact their issues are pro- human the naval side with the workers if there's a fight between pharmaceutical companies the naval side with them state and national director of working families party and joining the conversation. maurice mitchell will be with us until the bottom of the hour now talking about the midterm elections if biden decides to run for a certain second term would you like to see him challenged? >> so far there have not been any challengers that emerged. but what i'm focused on today is building the united front and this is not hyperbole but now you have