we are on the floor of the cable show, 2011, we have caught up with jamie preston who runs bend broadband by an oregon. >> we serve 35,000 customers. we also have a wireless service that serves rural areas. we are getting broadband out there, as well as serving our communities. >> heading into the cloud computing business, tell me about it. >> we were looking for and network operations centers to serve our old -- our own needs. there were also looking to do something different with their own serving capabilities, from a service standpoint, moving those needs locally. so, we combine our discussion and facilities, growing larger so as to accommodate them. as a result, we also have some other outside customers and financial institutions, in addition to serving our own needs. it is carbon neutral and, as you may know, they're easily known for being high users of power. we have made a lot of efforts in our facilities to make sure that they are green facilities. we are very excited about it. >> cloud computing, you said that there were other big names? >> costs are low. our area has low tempera