my name is jamie whitaker, the san francisco-based company called square makes android phones and i've had cards that can be swiped and their fee is 3%. there is a san francisco company that might have a good solution for everyone. >> we will mark this under the executive director's report. >> just for clarification, just in the last few days with the credit card charges -- one, we are not charging the drivers ourselves or getting kickbacks. there is a lot of misinformation floating around. we have had a democrat situation for two years. not being charged for fees, it has worked very smoothly. they want to be their own merchant, they are free to do so, those that want to use the third party process that was set up a yellow cab to process our credit cards, it has nothing to do with yellow cab. but they want to be their own merchant, they can. i want to clarify that information that seems to get out there. feel free to call me at any time. >> next item? >> the citizens advisory council report. >> good afternoon, chairman murphy. what's good afternoon, mr. chairman. directors. i am the ch