jamieson, though, built this franchise into a power house.trange that he suddenly stepping down. >> really for me and where i'm at, it's time to step aside, do some reflection and think about, you know, what's going to go on for the rest of my life and, you know, you never know how long that's going to be. but i really want to have the opportunity to think about it and maybe make a few plans. >> greg, i've known you over the years. you have teal in your blood. it comes as a surprise for me to step away from this team like you're doing without winning a stanley cup. with all due respect, were you forced out in any way. do you feel any pressure to leave? >> no. i think, raj, what it really boils down to is that i'm still, you know, i'm still gob going to be going to be involved as governor. i'm still on the nhl exclusive committee, you know, the ten people of the dog are on that committee. i'm still an owner, small owner. so i'm not -- i'm not leaving the sharks, per se. i'm stepping away from the day to day activities that i've been involved i