so i'm going to introduce jamoke taylor, she is the project manager for the jail replacement project. we also have chef tee chief sheriff matt free man here to answer any questions. >> good morning, supervisors, i'm going to run through the presentation, i think you have a copy of it. the project introduced by dpw on behalf of the sheriff's department. we are seeking authorization, in order to proceed with our environmental implementation process. it's important for us to obtain a ceqa clearance, sb1022 we believe will be around again sometime next year so this would help prepare the project to be able to, to be eligible for that funding when it comes up and also admin code 29 does require that we seek your determination before we proceed with the environmental evaluation process. the budget analyst's report also recommends that you approve this resolution because we found that the project is fiscally responsible and there is also an opportunity for you to, for us to seek your approval at a later date and the approval would be on the bed count for the facility and to also approve the