racism is different than profiling and unfortunately, what jamu and bob are talking about is that the jesse jackson like race industry, that says everything's about race, america's a race nation. >> i want to ask you a question, because if this was a crime ridden neighborhood, david's right, most of the crimes were committed by black men leading up to this incident. but he was close to the house, he wasn't walking on the sidewalk, i suspect to get out of the rain. that's my theory. >> i don't think that there was enough -- firsts of all, racial profiling is not just, it's not legal. the new jersey state troopers got in trouble for profiling african-americans just because they had a particular identity of who was committing these crimes doesn't mean that all african-americans are guilty of robbing houses, but my legal mind says there's no evidence of racism. but i think what's going on in the black community is people are feeling that there's a heightened legal of fear of black men that's caused this. >> the media created this, if you'll remember, the media created white versus black.