so, here in their own words explaining how they did it are ad verheul and jan hulsegge.d verheul and jan hulsegge, you are both credited with a revolution, really, in the field of child psychology, and we're going to talk about that, what you developed--snoezelen, and so on. you've become so famous that people say ad and jan, ad and jan. they don't even say your family names anymore. child psychologists are very impressed and very grateful for what you've done. but let's go back 20, 30 years. autistic children, children with difficulties-- before you gentlemen came along, how were they treated? - normally, certainly, severe profoundly handicapped people, they're lying the whole day in bed and doing nothing. the healthcare was fixed on medical treatment--not to say anything negative about nursery staff; they do their best, but nothing happened during the day, and i think that was the first impulse to find a new development--a new possibility to enrich the lives of severe profoundly handicapped people. - and that had been the way for centuries, maybe. this was always done.