fight cancer that's helped jan klein c l i n e fight cancer on facebook and now. a message from anonymous. dear citizens for a free and just world lately there has been an overwhelming trend of incidents of police officers arresting and harassing citizens for filming while enforcement they are justifying this by calling it a number of things from obstruction of justice to wiretapping this is an outrage and we cannot allow them to continue to arrest innocent people who are merely assuring the safety of everyone by recording what is happening around us recording police officers not only serves the people but the police officers as well we are ensuring the safety of all parties involved by eliminating the he said she said well that keeps true justice from being served filming police has no good valid argument against its legality those we paid to protect and serve us should have nothing to hide from the public while they are on duty for example officer lyons of the oceanside police department shown here respecting a citizen's right to film and open carry a gun in cal