jan levinson. michael. first thing in the morning. call me levinson michael. ♪ in the morning ♪ baby michael. yes. i'm here to tell you that we are closing the scranton branch. i don't understand. the board voted last night to close your branch. on whom's authority? the board's. w-what? i'm very sorry. i-i--pssh. i don't relish telling you this. uh, you've been a big part of this company. and the board asked me to thank you for your years of service. you're welcome. a small number of people will be transferred to the stamford branch, and the rest will be getting severance packages. am i a small number person or a severance package person? well, we haven't made final decisions about personnel yet. but you're a severance package person. [shudders] [crying] oh, my god. oh, my god! [muffled shouting] [muffled] no! what are they talking about? i don't know. is it serious? i don't know, kev. if you find out anything... you got it, buddy. call me. you all right, michael? do you want me to get you some water or a tissue? all right. [clears th