joe: coming up we speak with jan stuart.urope in the energy market is next. ♪ joe: jan stuart of credit suisse is joining us now to talk about the oil market and energy market overall. we've been seeing west texas intermediate oscillate above and below $50 a barrel for the last several weeks. was the next direction? jan: it feels better than 40. joe: you're an oil producer. jan: of course. the idea is it saves lives in our view. opecgh the winter, unless does pull off this deal and takes barrels off the market inventories begin to decline faster, then we could stay out of the range that was 40 to 50. scarlet: you sound kind of skeptical. is anyone convince opec will follow through? jan: it is so interesting. you want to take a big picture view. you want to see that the linchpin producer, the one that says go away, that is the one that bounces. they're the ones with all the cards. it looks to me like they want the deal so badly maybe they are giving iran leverage to frustrate things. side then setly up, if they do that right,