forefathers, and there will be a high temple, the kalven collection, and the death of the son of jan yanaviches, the temple is handed over to the catholics and the holy virgin as a kastsel, the name of archanela mikhaila. during the most difficult hours of the day, the sun, sapegos, and yans add to the palace of the castle and the gates of the temple of the daminicans, of the order. such catalic, mansky, and then arganizovian daminican monastery, monastery on the territory of the castle, and on the other side of the whole geta temple, it is included as a haloin temple getaga klyashtara. in the 19th century, the hell of daminikan, then the temple was taken away, handed over to the rulers, and there was already a temple of the holy god, like the temple of the gods of the lord. and for the next hour it’s like this, they don’t care about everything, they’ve taken over the temple. the essence of everything that is happening is the struggle for resources, because these western centers, the usa, great britain, europe, they cannot live at their own expense, they must constantly rob someone to absorb,