janah also, for example, my inclinations may be against the representatives of faction d, for example a, and i don't have a representative, who do i turn to in the province, but if there is a proportional combination of two factions, they will vote. most of them are provincial a two-proportional proportional city has another problem with it. if you explain it, the people of tehran give each list, for example, 20% to a, 80% to b, list a approves 20% of the seats, the list is more than 80. how do you want the people who directly voted for me to go to my list, and i, who is below our list, for example, 400,000 voters, come to the top of the list, whose top is, for example, 300,000 voters, for example, how do you want, sam? 300 people are bad, if it is 400 people, look, you have to judge by the criteria of the majority. let me say on the headline, biki, that single vote is completely relevant in a majority system, and now you are in the same stream of senders. for example, if the tendencies of a stream are such that 80 % of them have a tendency to go to the first a list or the so-called s