but it did finish up at the jane austen museum in chawton, which is actually where i would have likedave gone in the first place. >> so esteemed is jane austen in great britain that, in 2013, it was announced that her face would appear on the country's 10-pound note. the image printed on the bill, the original one depicted on nicky and her sister's other family heirloom, that portrait of austen commissioned in 1869, half a century after her death. that little painting may not be deemed a national treasure as nicky's ring was. but it's good enough for the bank of england. i'm jamie colby. thanks so much for watching "strange inheritance." and remember -- you jolly well can't take it with you. >> they're cars you never heard of. >> he liked to buy unique cars -- kissels, grahams, overlands. he always used to say, "i don't want to meet myself on the road." >> it's a great hobby. keeps you out of the beer joints. >> do you have your foot on the brake, teacher? just in case? >> i haven't jumped out yet. >> these heirs hit a fork in the road... >> so that is a point of contention. do you do