all over the world. >> chris: jane goodall is 83 now but she still on the mission raising awareness and money to protect the planet and the animals who prepared. >> dr. goodall: one of the greatest rewards i have is the number of people around the world who say thank you, it taught me that because it you did it, i can do it. >> chris: why are you still keeping up such a schedule? >> dr. goodall: because we humans, the most intellectual beings who have ever walked the planet, are very busily destroying our only home, how is that possible? >> chris: it was 1961 goodall, then 26, set out for the animal preserve what is now tanzania. she was trying to find the link between demand and eight. >> dr. goodall: exciting moment when i first saw a chimpanzee eating. >> chris: observing chimpanzees in the jungle by herself, she discovered a number of links. chimps can show compassion or wage war, but most important, the way they use twigs to hunt for termites. >> dr. goodall: a chimpanzee, when he strictly is offered to eight is actually modifying a natural object is suited to a specific. >> chris: