now to capitol hill and congresswoman jane harmin. a big day here with at least the start of talks and iran saying it will now cooperate with iran nuclear inspectors and permit them back in after talks have been suspended and they have not had substenative inspections. >> i agree with ambassador albright who was just on your show when he says that we need full access to every facility. it's a small facility and it could be a decoy to focus all our attention on that and take our eye off the ball, which is full transparency in iran so we understand not just their intentions, which i worry about, but also their capabilities which i worry about. this is really good news and really brilliant that the second round of talks, i understand they were just anounszed, will take place in turkey in a month predominantly muslim country and this is a fine outcome and i also think it's essential for congress to proceed as i believe we are in passing sanctions bills, both in the house and the senate and the sanction refine petroleum products. we need t