rachel carson, jane jacobs, jane goodall and alice waters . and you were taking a different approach and i thought maybe you could tell us how you came to do that. >> the book grew out of the conversation i was having with a friend and i realized that there were four women, each of whom intriguingly similar and adjacent ways had changed the way we thought about the world. carson, the environment. jacob levy, goodall, animals and alice waters, food and eating and what really interested me was that all of them, there were so many parallels in their stories, even though they didn't know each other, they were working in different fields, even in different generations so for instance, all were credentialedoutsiders. they were people who went into the field and literally got their hands literally and figuratively dirty and against all odds prevail . all were green before green had entered our vocabulary. three out of four wrote iconic books that the united social movements. and maybe most interesting, all came to power at a time when women had no vo